In this article we will analyze how your company can connect WhatsApp to Google Forms, using the Callbell API.

To proceed you must have an account Callbell and an account of Google Forms

WhatsApp <--> Google Forms

What is Google Forms?

This Google-owned tool is extremely interesting, as it helps us create specialized forms for use across multiple platforms. One of the great advantages of Google Forms is that it allows you to create different types of forms such as surveys, contact forms, question forms, etc. It also generates accurate statistics of all collected responses. One of the advantages of this platform is that its surveys can be shared via a link and this allows users to answer questions in a very simple way.

This tool works together with the entire Gsuite package that Google offers to all users and can be accessed anywhere in the world as long as you have an Internet connection and access to your Gmail account.

WhatsApp <--> Google Forms

What is Callbell?

Callbell is a SaaS B2B platform focused on communication between companies and customers through messaging platforms. It is a collaborative chat tool to which companies can connect their page Facebook, a WhatsApp account through WhatsApp Business API, Instagram Business and Telegram to centralize support channels and provide a better experience to the end customer, all in a centralized solution.

Specifically, Callbell allows you to unify all conversations from different IM channels on a single dashboard, allowing sales and support teams to respond faster and more effectively to customers, without having to switch between applications. Callbell has implemented a number of automation tools that allow you to send predefined responses to customers based on their requests or initiate an automated customer service process based on your needs.

Advanced analytics and reporting allow you to monitor team performance, conversation metrics, and the effectiveness of communication strategies used.

How to integrate WhatsApp to Google Forms – Main method

If you haven’t already done so, you must first:

1) Create an account Callbell and integrate WhatsApp Business API

2) Create an account Google Forms. 

Once this is done, you can start using the Callbell API documentation to connect your business WhatsApp account to Google Forms according to your needs.

Here are some interesting examples of how to take advantage of this integration and improve business processes.

1) Generate WhatsApp leads using Google Forms 

With this implementation, it will be possible to automatically synchronize the contacts generated in Google Forms with Callbell.

For example, let’s imagine creating a Google Forms where the objective is to collect WhatsApp contacts, qualifying them with a series of questions and information. Thanks to Callbell’s API connection, every time a contact fills in this information in Google Forms, a new contact will be created within the Callbell platform with all the information collected in the form.


2) Automatically send a WhatsApp message to users who fill out a Google Forms form 

This implementation is even more interesting. Thanks to it we will have the possibility of sending (in a totally automated way) a WhatsApp template to all the users who will complete the Google Forms that you will have connected via API to Callbell.

Not only that, it will also be possible to enter variables within the WhatsApp message sent, for an even more personalized service. 

Let’s take an example:

You have just created a Google Forms where in question 1 you ask for the name of the contact and in question 2 you ask for the phone number.

Suppose we want to send this WhatsApp message template.

Hello {{1}}, thank you for completing this form, our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Thanks to the API implementations, it will be possible to create a rule that makes the message template variable populate with the information entered in question 1 and then the message is sent to the WhatsApp number entered in question number 2.

WhatsApp <--> Google Forms

How to integrate WhatsApp to Google Forms with Zapier – Alternative method

Zapier is a service that allows automating operations between web applications. It works by creating “zaps”, which are automation rules that are triggered by certain events (such as creating a new item in a list or receiving a new message). When a zap is triggered, Zapier can perform a specific action (like creating a new contact in a CRM).

If your IT team doesn’t have the capacity or you want to save valuable deployment time, you can use the official integration of Callbell with Zapier to connect WhatsApp to Google Forms. One of the strengths of using Zapier is precisely the ease and speed of integration. Instead, the downside is Zapier’s cost.

Connect WhatsApp to Google Forms
With the integration of Callbell and Google Forms through Zapier, businesses can automatically create new contacts by leveraging Callbell Webhooks. This allows companies to have a complete and up-to-date view of customer interactions and better understand their needs and preferences.

If you haven’t already done so, you must first:

1) Create an account Callbell and integrate it to WhatsApp

2) Create an account Google Forms

3) Create an account Zapier

Once this is done, you just have to connect Callbell and Google Forms to Zapier and program the necessary zaps for the operations you want.

Frequent Questions
What is Callbell?
Callbell is a SaaS B2B platform focused on communication between companies and customers through messaging platforms. It is a collaborative chat tool to which companies can connect their Facebook page, a WhatsApp account through the WhatsApp Business, Instagram Business and Telegram APIs to centralize support channels and provide a better end-customer experience, all in a centralized solution.

Specifically, Callbell allows you to unify all conversations from different IM channels on a single dashboard, allowing sales and support teams to respond faster and more effectively to customers, without having to switch between applications. . Callbell has implemented a number of automation tools that allow you to send predefined responses to customers based on their requests or initiate an automated customer service process based on your needs.

What is Google Forms?
Google Forms is a tool provided by Google that allows users to create custom forms and surveys. It’s free and integrates seamlessly with other Google apps like Google Sheets and Google Drive.

With Google Forms, users can create contact forms, surveys, signup forms, quizzes, quizzes, and more. Users can add different types of questions, including multiple choice, checkboxes, radio buttons, text fields, and rating scales. This is a great way to get interesting data from your customers.

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Alan Trovò

About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct