Nowadays customers require more immediacy when interacting with a company online. This is why companies have had to adapt in using this app. But, although it may seem simple, the management of information and sales management, just to give two examples, is much more complex to do than it seems.
The official WhatsApp Business app alone is not enough for large companies. They require a much more efficient handling of information and a clear reading of data. This problem can be solved by integrating WhatsApp Business with external dashboard platforms, which enhance the functions that are already within the app.
A WhatsApp dashboard allows you to keep track of what’s going on with your account. All this with an easy-to-read and navigate interface.
One of these platforms is Callbell, which integrates WhatsApp to its functions to help you manage your company’s communication with your clients and between agents. It will give you access to other messaging channels you have and unite them into a single interface.
It also allows you to create chat routes, which will be guided by messages that you previously programmed into the platform. This way you can guide the customer to the customer service team that corresponds to their case. This, along with the possibility of saving the customer’s contact information, categorizing chats with tags and internal messaging, are just some of the functions that Callbell provides to WhatsApp from its dashboard.
To access a WhatsApp dashboard you must have an active WhatsApp Business account, register in Callbell or similar, ask for the integration of your platform with WhatsApp, wait for the data to be validated and that’s it. Once the procedure is finished, you will be able to access the dashboard of the company via this platform.
In general, a dashboard is easy and intuitive to read, so it’s a matter of patiently researching and getting to grips with the information. In any case, support is available to answer questions; and you can also request a free trial, which can be used to familiarize yourself, before paying for the service.

When it comes to Callbell’s WhatsApp dashboard, you can view the company statistics that the platform allows you to view. Generally, they are oriented towards sales performance, average response time, number of messages received, number of closed chats, etc.
The Callbell platform shows you a section of advanced statistics with which you can monitor the performance of WhatsApp. This information can be found in the dedicated module.
Staff performance
In this section, it will be measured the time in minutes that each agent takes to attend a chat. The counter starts from the moment you receive a message and stops when you close it. You can also see the team’s performance, in order to compare the ratio between the agent’s average time and the team’s average time.
Online time for each agent
The online time refers to the minutes you have been available to serve customers. The period can be filtered by date and by hours.
Below it will show the time that the agent marked as unavailable, in a range of time that can be determined separately.
Number of closed chats per agent
These statistics show the number of chats that each agent has finished, in a given period of time: hour, day, week or month. Closing chats is a best practice to let the client know that the conversation is over and to record that the case was closed.
In some cases, agents forget to close a chat, so it is important in the company to generate this habit in each team.
Number of queued chats
The chats in queue are the ones that the agent has open at this moment, without being closed (as explained in the previous statistic).
This data helps to see if an agent is overworked, to redirect some chats to other agents. This is easy to do in the WhatsApp dashboard that Callbell uses, besides being able to put some internal notes that the next operator can read to continue with the same care.
Statistics are also useful to visualize which message routes are most used by customers, and therefore which are most in need of agents. If one team’s agents are continually overloaded and other areas are more free, it might be useful to move some operators from less congested areas to more congested areas.
Automatic routing
Routing refers to the chat paths programmed into the platform for the customer to navigate them through the chat, without human intervention. Knowing the routing flow can help to understand which are the most frequent routes, the keywords that customers use more in some options or others, to determine the reasons for contact, etc. Knowing customer behavior is important to improve customer service and staff organization.
Number of cases handled / rerouted
This is the number of cases that have been handled by agent. That is, if the information provided through the routes was not enough, an operator took the case and redirected him to the both after the chat ended.
Average time to re-route: per keyword and per agent
This statistic refers to the time that passes since a customer contacts, goes through the routing, is attended by an agent and the agent ends the chat, redirecting the customer to the bot. The keyword with which the customer came to the agent is considered, in order to determine the reason for the query.
Some queries take longer to resolve than others. It is advisable to look at the average of the agents to make comparisons, according to each keyword.
Constantly monitoring the performance of a company is essential to understand what its successes and problems are, in order to make the right decisions to improve. Statistics are one of the most powerful tools to convert data into easily analyzable information.
In the WhatsApp dashboard, statistics will be sorted so that you can evaluate the status of different customer service teams and each agent in the company working via WhatsApp. It will help to understand the performance of the teams in different circumstances and the behavior of the customers. This will help improve customer service and balance workloads.
Frequent Questions
What is the importance of the WhatsApp Business dashboard?
Constantly monitoring a company’s performance is crucial to understand what its successes and problems are, in order to make the right decisions to improve. Statistics are one of the most powerful tools to turn data into easily analyzable information.
In the WhatsApp dashboard, statistics will be sorted so that you can evaluate the status of different customer service teams and each agent in the company working via WhatsApp. It will help to understand the performance of the teams in different circumstances and the behavior of the customers. This will help improve customer service and balance workloads.
What is it and how can I get a dashboard for WhatsApp Business?
A WhatsApp dashboard allows you to keep track of what’s going on with your account. All this with an easy-to-read and navigate interface.
One of these platforms is Callbell, which integrates WhatsApp to its functions to help you manage your company’s communication with your clients and between agents. It will give you access to other messaging channels you have and unite them into a single interface.
It also allows you to create chat routes, which will be guided by messages that you previously programmed into the platform. This way you can guide the customer to the customer service team that corresponds to their case. This, along with the possibility of saving the customer’s contact information, categorizing chats with tags and internal messaging, are just some of the functions that Callbell provides to WhatsApp from its dashboard.
The way to access a WhatsApp dashboard is to have an active WhatsApp Business account, register in Callbell or similar, ask for the integration of your platform with WhatsApp, wait for the data to be validated and that’s it. Once the procedure is finished, you will be able to access the dashboard of the company via this platform.
About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct