Since 2020, online sales have experienced an extremely impressive growth. This is because of the global situation caused by the pandemic. In fact, many have found it necessary to evolve their business in a digital environment to continue growing in the market.

Consumers today have adopted new habits when it comes to making their purchases: trust in online businesses has increased enormously. In fact, customers are no longer afraid of placing orders via a website or social networks. And this was the reason why companies started adopting new sales, logistics and communication systems. However, one of the most notable drawbacks is how businesses manage to communicate effectively with consumers and how they manage logistics due to the significant increase in online shopping in 2021.

One of the biggest problems when selling online is delivering the product to the customer without any inconvenience. Many times there are problems right at the time of shipment, and packages arrive damaged, or the wrong items are shipped, or arrive late, or consumers often feel neglected by businesses after making their purchase. For this reason, many tools have appeared on the market that are useful for the management and organization of logistics and the shipment of packages, thus avoiding inconvenience in the phases described above.

However, time and experience have taught businesses so much: it has been established that using WhatsApp Business for logistics greatly improves trust, efficiency and speed when it comes to sending, shipping and supporting consumers through this means of communication. WhatsApp Business is undoubtedly a very powerful and useful tool for informing customers about their packages and in turn communicating with the shipping, logistics and internal communication companies used.

For this reason, we have created an article that will help you understand how WhatsApp Business can help your company in the transport and logistics field, and what are the advantages of using this tool, as well as some good advice and recommendations on tools to improve the use of WhatsApp Business for the logistics sector in your company.

What is the relationship between WhatsApp Business and the logistics sector?

With the digital change that both businesses and consumers have had during the pandemic, organizations have found it necessary to change the way they operate. This directly affects the internal and external processes of companies. One of the biggest changes has been the way they communicate with customers, adapting a more hybrid model and accepting social networks and messaging apps as the main channels of digital communication.

In this sense, logistics is a big game changer for businesses, as emails or calls aren’t usually as effective as WhatsApp. This is due to the power of two-way communication. Thanks to this, consumers can consult when and what they want, and companies can keep their customers informed about the entire process of placing their orders.

Today, people are used to receiving notifications on their phone about the status of their purchases, if the order has arrived or if the package has just been shipped. This represents a big step forward in improving the logistics service through WhatsApp Business and other social networks, showing the close relationship that binds the messaging app with the logistics sector.

WhatsApp Business for the logistics sector

What is Callbell?

As we all know, WhatsApp Business is very important for the logistics of companies and, for this reason, nowadays many services have emerged capable of enhancing the use of this tool to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of work. That’s why we are going to tell you about Callbell and how it can help you improve your company’s logistics together with WhatsApp Business.

Callbell is a tool that aims to bring together the most relevant communication channels of the moment, as well as those most used by consumers onto a single platform. Here you can receive messages from each of these social networks including WhatsApp Business, respond without any problem, avoiding opening multiple accounts in different communication channels. You can also invite as many collaborators as you need, create your support or sales team for WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook or Instagram and manage everything from one place.

You will be able to get very interesting metrics on the progress and growth of your business and use automatic routing that will help you automatically classify and follow your customers, as well as report them to support or sales agents based on their classification. For this reason, we recommend that you try Callbell and boost your WhatsApp Business service with this tool.

How to use Callbell on WhatsApp Business?

As mentioned above, Callbell is a very simple and practical tool to use. To connect it to your WhatsApp Business you have two options. But first you need to create an account on our website by clicking here. After creating your account you can connect to the social networks you want, including WhatsApp Business. To connect this messaging app you can:

a) Connect WhatsApp via QR code

If you decide to link your account via a QR code, please note that this type of connection is unofficial and has many drawbacks, since a number of requirements must be met for the connection to work properly.

b) Connect WhatsApp via the API

If you decide to connect your account via the WhatsApp API, consider that this is a slightly longer process, as it is the official integration of WhatsApp with Callbell. This type of integration is very stable and brings several benefits to companies using this solution. If you want more information about it, you can click here.

Why does Callbell improve communication in WhatsApp Business for logistics?

Callbell is a powerful tool for managing contacts and requests through WhatsApp Business and other social networks, it helps to facilitate communication between company, consumers and employees. This is possible thanks to the multi-user and collaborative interface with which Callbell is provided, allowing multiple agents to respond simultaneously to all customer requests via the same WhatsApp Business number at the same time.

In addition, it offers many other special features for business use such as conversation sharing, chat backup, automatic assignment and routing, WhatsApp green tick. You’ll also be able to connect multiple social networks, with 24/7 support and internal sales tools.

WhatsApp Business for the logistics sector

What can I do with WhatsApp Business for logistics?

WhatsApp Business is a super tool for managing incoming customer messages. It reports the progress of package shipments, manages company logistics and keeps customers informed of any changes to their order. For this reason we will list everything you can do with Callbell and WhatsApp for the logistics of your company.

a) Timely report on the status of the shipment.

b) Serve your customers in a simple and agile way.

c) View detailed business metrics.

d) Connect multiple people to communication channels via a single platform.

e) Manage all messages from your social networks (including WhatsApp) via Callbell.

f) Automatically reply up to two conversation levels.

g) Automatically assign chats to your agents.

h) Manage the sales of your business.

i) Manage your sales and support teams in one place.

j) Monitor your team and their conversations.

k) Study and monitor your team’s performance.


WhatsApp Business is a very powerful tool for the logistics sector, but it has several shortcomings at  company level, since it is not possible to organize conversations, connect multiple agents to your messaging app or work simply becomes too complex and boring when you receive a large amount of orders.

For this reason, we recommend that you use Callbell and improve all your communications and the logistics of your social networks and messaging apps using one place. If you are thinking of boosting your business and using WhatsApp for your company’s logistics, you can use Callbell by clicking here.

Frequent Questions

What can I do with WhatsApp Business for logistics?

WhatsApp Business is a super tool for managing incoming customer messages. It reports the progress of package shipments, manages company logistics and keeps customers informed of any changes to their order. For this reason we will list everything we can do with Callbell and WhatsApp for the logistics of your company.

  • Timely report on the status of the shipment.
  • erve your customers in a simple and agile way.
  • View detailed business metrics.
  • Connect multiple people to communication channels via a single platform.
  • Manage all messages from your social networks (including WhatsApp) via Callbell.
  • Automatically reply up to two conversation levels.
  • Automatically assign chats to your agents.
  • Manage your business sales.
  • Manage your sales and support teams in one place.
  • Monitor your team and their conversations.
  • Study and monitor your team’s performance.

Why does Callbell improve communication in WhatsApp Business for logistics?

Callbell is a powerful tool for managing contacts and requests through WhatsApp Business and other social networks, it helps to facilitate communication between company, consumers and employees. This is possible thanks to the multi-user and collaborative interface with which Callbell is provided, allowing multiple agents to respond simultaneously to all customer requests via the same WhatsApp Business number at the same time.

In addition, it offers many other special features for business use such as conversation sharing, chat backup, automatic assignment and routing, WhatsApp green tick. You’ll also be able to connect multiple social networks, with 24/7 support and internal sales tools.

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Alan Trovò

About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct