From October 2023, Google My Business has decided to release a really interesting update, allowing its users, through their company profiles, in order to add links from social media to personal accounts. This feature will allow you to add links to different social networks, like: Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter (X), YouTube and Facebook.

We must always consider that this service opens a large window of options for companies, finally capable of connecting all their social networks with the aforementioned commercial channel. In this way they will have the opportunity to attract a greater number of customers, developing their commercial strategies in the best possible way.

These are the steps to follow to add social media to your Google My Business profile:

– Click Edit Profile

– Scroll down to the section dedicated to social media

– Click on add profile.

– Select the platform you want to add the profile to.

It is really a quick and easy process; however, in this article we still want to describe other methods for adding your favorite social profiles to Google My Business.

What is Google My Business

Google My Business es una plataforma u herramienta en la nube que fue creada por Google, para ayudar a todas las empresas a gestionar y desarrollar su presencia en internet. Esta plataforma te permite relacionar tu negocio con todo el entorno, esto quiere decir, que a través de las distintas opciones de información que ofrece esta plataforma. Las empresas podrán agregar diferentes tipos de secciones con dato relevantes de la empresa, como la dirección, reseñas, fotos, mapa de ubicación y más.

Básicamente, el objetivo de Google My Business es brindar una gran cantidad de datos sobre tu negocio, reseñas que aumenten la confianza de los usuarios y datos importantes como la ubicación.

How to add social profiles to Google My Business

  1. Click Edit Profile

The first thing you will have to do to add your profiles to Google My Business is to log in with your personal email with which you manage your Google business profile. Once logged in, click on Edit profile.

Add your social profiles to Google My Business

Once this is done, you will have to enter the information regarding your profile until you reach the social section, towards the lowest part of the site.

Google My Business
  1. Click Add social Profile

Next, we click on the blue button to add the social profile, exactly as you can see in the photo below.

Google My Business
  1. Choose your favorite social network and add the link

Once you click on the button, you will have the opportunity to choose your favorite social network, adding the corresponding link to it.

Google My Business

Now, your Google My Business commercial profile can only be added to one of its social followings.

Twitter (X)
– YouTube

Note: After adding your favorite social profiles to your Google My Business account, be sure to click Save so that you retain all changes you made and view the profiles within your account.

How to increase the chance that Google My Business will allow you to correctly add personal social profiles?

Previously, Google only allowed relevant profiles to view and add social accounts to Google My Business; however, this functionality has been lost over time and is no longer considered necessary today. Despite this, you can always use these tips to present a solid social setup to Google so you can get recognized. 

  1. Add your website link to your Google My Business profile.

Thanks to this service you will be able to present a business and a site to Google where users can have more information about your business. 

  1. Website with external link to your personal social profiles.

Another very interesting trick is to create a well-developed and correctly configured website, by showing external links and icons that lead back to social profiles. 

  1. Promote posts and advertising campaigns.

A company that creates marketing campaigns is a company capable of investing in its own well-being and for Google this translates into commitment and trust towards its target audience. 

  1. Be consistent with your social media posts.

This is extremely important to demonstrate to Google and the public that you are always active on social media and that your company is constantly attentive to the needs of its customers.

Note: If you decide to follow these steps, Google will know for sure that the social profiles belong to your company, thus recognizing their relevance.

What is Callbell and how it can help you boost your Google My Business account

Callbell is an entirely cloud-based tool, focused entirely on offering its customers the ability to connect efficiently. This tool is therefore an advantage for every company, allowing you to connect all the most popular social networks in one place, easily managing customer support, sales, or the call center from there.

Callbell has several features, capable of making it a powerful and useful platform for managing customers and selling from a single place, using the number of agents you desire. Among the features offered, we find: broadcast campaigns, CRM, sales funnel, Chatbot, etc.

If you want to integrate your Google My Business account with this tool, efficiently developing customer support and sales, try Callbell by clicking here.

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Alan Trovò

About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct