Thanks to the arrival of artificial intelligence, companies tend to increasingly enter into automation and the use of bots. Among these different functions performed by bots we find customer service, the sales process, data collection, some of the activities that take place within companies and other functions that are not particularly essential. This means that all the work carried out within the departments could easily be acquired by a bot.

Bots are extremely innovative tools, capable of monopolizing the corporate communication market. However, we must always consider that automating all processes can be a counterproductive decision: in fact, human supervision or rationality will always be fundamental and sought-after elements.

That is why we need to maintain a balance between automation and human team. In this article we decided to describe all this to you, understanding how to create a chatbot flow with Callbell proactively and through an example so as to implement the best tool on the market.

What is a chatbot flow

Chatbot flow is a language or form of communication based on fully human interactions. Indeed, bots can start conversations in a semi-natural way. Once this is done, the chatbots adapt the skills, personality, functions that allow greater communication activity with people, identifying all the needs and problems that a customer can express to the company.

An essential part of the conversation, which has the objective of selling, is to capture the customer’s attention. If configured and trained perfectly, chatbots can also exhibit this functionality.

Here is how we finally understand the true concept of chatbot flow: a guide that allows this tool to engage in initiating logical interactions with customers. Therefore, these flows can be configured by a human team or even created based on the knowledge possessed by the bot (only if artificial intelligence is used).

Why it is essential to create a chatbot flow

Chatbot flows are now indispensable tools for all companies. This is because our increasingly modern and digital world has made interacting with and answering questions from customers so stressful that it is unsustainable for teams. Here comes the help of chatbots which play a fundamental role in customer support.

There are companies that only have chatbots for support, basing their work on the automation of their business. This drastic decision has advantages, such as a faster response rate and lower costs. However, hybrid companies that use both chatbots and human teams manage to achieve better results.

Undoubtedly a bot can carry out tasks more quickly but, not having the logical and emotional capacity of human beings, on many occasions it could provide cold and tactless answers. In hybrid companies, a bot could be used for simple answers, automatically assigning the most difficult cases to a human team, in order to offer its customers complete assistance.

As we said previously, a chatbot flow is necessary to improve business processes, increase efficiency and response speed and, if combined with a human team predisposed to solving the most difficult cases, it can be a truly important and useful tool in customer service, sales and increasing new levels of communication.

Advantages of a chatbot flow

Among the main advantages provided by a chatbot we find:

1) 24/7 Support: a chatbot is not a human, so it does not get tired or need a break. This means providing continuous assistance, generating personalized and always constant attention to customers, translating all this into greater effectiveness and work persistence.

2) Immediate attention: in the online world, being fast is a vital trait. This means that the quicker you respond to a request, the more likely that customer will return. This definitely makes a huge difference with both staff and human agents, as the latter will be able to handle countless interactions simultaneously without the customer having to wait for a response.

3) Improved brand image: by improving service and speed, we will also improve the perception of the brand within the market. Once the service we offer is more efficient, the general vision of the company will improve consequently and suddenly.

4) More contacts: Another important advantage provided by these tools is that, with the help of chatbots, we can interact with customers and potential customers, collecting their data and personal information. Therefore, your contacts will grow exponentially, having the possibility to personalize all your offers, basing them on the preferences and needs sought by your customers.

5) Almost human experience: if you are able to set up a chatbot correctly, the majority of your customers will not realize they are talking to a robot. When we talk about the most common questions and requests, bots can respond in the most appropriate way, assigning a more complicated case to a real person in an absolutely imperceptible way.

6) Elementary implementation: nowadays, there are various tools capable of implementing this technology without necessarily having to know the code to insert a chatbot. This is precisely why designing chatbot flows is an extremely simple process that requires neither too much time nor excessive effort.

7) Price: the value of this investment is also an advantage: in fact, having a chatbot at your disposal, you will only need a manager, the rest of the work will be carried out by the chatbot itself. In conclusion, all you will have to do is invest in the monthly cost of the tool described and the agent in charge.

8) Qualify contacts: one of the most important benefits offered by implementing a chatbot is qualification. In fact, the contacts and their details must be qualified and having a bot do it can be really advantageous since the collection of this data is a monotonous and exhausting job that requires enormous patience.

9) Attribution based on criteria: assigning contacts is a huge advantage that a chatbot provides us, since this tool is always looking for a qualification of contacts, using very specific criteria to be assigned to a qualified human team. These processes are usually performed manually by agents, but having chatbots do everything can lead to significant savings in time and effort.

Chatbot flow

How to create a chatbot flow with Callbell

Callbell provides an excellent tool designed to develop chatbots to implement in all possible conversations. Thanks to this functionality you will have the possibility to pre-configure these services capable of making your work extremely simple and productive.

Although there are various types of chatbots, today we want to focus on how to design a chatbot flow to implement within your company.

1.° step

The first thing to do is to create a Callbell account. The process is extremely simple: just click here and follow the steps described.

2.° step

Subsequently we will need to configure our Callbell account, adding the agents and connecting our social networks where we want to implement the chatbot.

3.° step

Once this is done, we will have to click on the BOT button (there are 2 buttons, one to activate the bot and the other to create one) and then proceed with configuring the chatbot. We click on New Bot.

4.° step

Let’s go ahead and add the name of the bot and the chosen template, even here we will have two options (blank or simple auto assignment template).

5.° step

Depending on the template we choose, we will be able to choose whether to add calls to action, whether to assign a specific contact, whether to add a note, a tag, whether to send a message, whether to assign a team, whether to close a conversation and much more.

6.° step

Let’s proceed with the creation of our personal chatbot flow. You can see an example here.


By clicking on each option highlighted in red, we can choose any type of consequential action for the bot to perform, add messages, responses, and more.

We just need to create a chatbot flow in an Excel sheet and transfer the information to the Callbell bot.

7.° step

Once the flow has been created, we must activate the chatbot by clicking Publish draft. Before doing all this, you will need to test the newly created chatbot with the Run simulator button.

8.° step

Once our chatbot is published, we will have to test it so that we are ready to automatically serve our customers.

Note: Always consider that to have your chatbot active, you will have to deactivate the automatic router of your Callbell account.

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Alan Trovò

About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct