In our society, the basic concept of multi-branding is used by large companies in order to promote their products and services using different identities, by covering a several types of audiences. Therefore, we could say that this strategy attempts to capture the attention of a wider audience thanks to the help of numerous brands and corporate identities, by promoting products and services that are necessary and customized for each audience thus acquired.

A multi-brand company almost always presents high volumes of requests concerning each kind of service offered, having the need to organize everything, sometimes even in a confusing way. That is why you want to look for alternative and innovative solutions that save time and money, while improving customer service and solving issues that may arise during work activities.

Today, we are going to talk about how multi-brand businesses can manage multiple WhatsApp accounts at the same time. As we well know by now, WhatsApp is an extremely popular social network used by all over the world; therefore, companies often tend to focus entirely on it, offering services, sales and customer support.

What is a multi-brand company?

A multi-brand company has multiple sub-brands, each with its own identities to define different types of products or services related to the main brand.

Companies very often use these multi-brand strategies precisely to define the process of promoting multiple brands under the same organization, by developing different identities, actions and processes, trying to capture the attention of a wider audience which, obviously, have different tastes and preferences.

A crucial point to consider concerns all those companies which, even if not multi-brand, can be divided into business units, functioning in a similar way to this particular type of company. Despite this, we always recommend having different product lines, creating sub-brands with which you can better advertise your products and services, reaching increasingly more customers.

Why does a multi-brand company need several WhatsApp accounts?

Let’s imagine we have a company that receives several daily requests on WhatsApp. What a dream, right?

Now, let’s consider having several brands and a single WhatsApp number where all customers write: a total chaos and a disaster in terms of information. This occurs when you have a single number serving several business units. Of course, it should not be like this.

Having several WhatsApp numbers for each brand leads to immediate advantages, like an excellent organization of requests and information, the ability to manage each business unit, the availability of a different team that deals with each unit and a supervision and more transparent control by agents.

A multi-brand company that uses several WhatsApp accounts will be able to manage its own business even more smartly, by developing communication strategies for each individual brand, leading to continuous personalization.

How to simultaneously manage several WhatsApp accounts for each individual brand?

With Callbell you have the ability to check multiple WhatsApp accounts for multiple brands at the same time. Thanks to the new multi-number feature proposed by WhatsApp, you will be able to connect even more easily different WhatsApp Business API accounts to the platform, by controlling each interaction. This means that each brand will be able to own its own volume of messages and requests.

The steps to achieve this extraordinary goal are extremely basic. We explain them to you below:

1) First of all, you will need to create a Callbell account and tell your team that you want to access the multi-number version of WhatsApp.

2) After this, the next move will be to add WhatsApp numbers to your Callbell account. For this reason, you can quickly request Callbell support in order to facilitate the procedure.

3) Once this is done, you can start receiving messages directly from each brand, by dividing the numbers of requests or a different brand present in Callbell.

The best strategies to control multiple brands in a single company

Create content capable of providing quick solutions

This kind of content is ideal when you need a person who pays attention and interacts continuously, because it is possible to generate solutions capable of solving all possible business hitches, being interactive and nice allows the customer to feel at ease.

The basic idea of these contents is that people who will read them or interact with them, can comment or leave useful information that allows agents to know perfectly what they are looking for and what their preferences are. In this way, once these details have been obtained, it will be possible to contact them and send them personalized offers.

Use Storytelling for every brand

Storytelling is a way of telling a story in a creative way, making the reader feel completely immersed in what he is reading, also applying this method to our communications regarding the products and services we offer. We have thus understood that our customers will always receive content deemed extremely interesting and to their liking.

The main idea of this multi-brand strategy is to tell the story of each brand in an absolutely unique way, while making the end user understand that there is a main brand that represents all the others.

Understand different customer needs

When you own a multi-brand company, an essential strategy is to understand the different pain points of the potential customer, by solving them thanks to the business lines.

This means that, if your customer has a problem related to the content that represents your company, the different brands you offer will not only be able to solve that specific problem, but also all the others related to it.

Manage multiple brands on different WhatsApp accounts


Finally, a multi-brand company has the possibility of managing different WhatsApp accounts thanks to Callbell, by obtaining several extremely useful and interesting benefits for both the sales and support teams, improving the way in which the company can communicate with its customers, managing different WhatsApp accounts on a single platform and with multiple devices.

If you want to try Callbell within your multi-brand company and manage multiple WhatsApp numbers from one place, click here.

Frequent Questions

Why does a multi-brand company need several WhatsApp accounts?

Let’s imagine we have a company that receives several daily requests on WhatsApp. What a dream, right?\nNow, let’s consider having several brands and a single WhatsApp number where all customers write: a total chaos and a disaster in terms of information. This occurs when you have a single number serving several business units. Of course, it should not be like this.\nHaving several WhatsApp numbers for each brand leads to immediate advantages, like an excellent organization of requests and information, the ability to manage each business unit, the availability of a different team that deals with each unit and a supervision and more transparent control by agents.\nA multi-brand company that uses several WhatsApp accounts will be able to manage its own business even more smartly, by developing communication strategies for each individual brand, leading to continuous personalization.

What is a multi-brand company?

A multi-brand company has multiple sub-brands, each with its own identities to define different types of products or services related to the main brand.\nCompanies very often use these multi-brand strategies precisely to define the process of promoting multiple brands under the same organization, by developing different identities, actions and processes, trying to capture the attention of a wider audience which, obviously, have different tastes and preferences.\nA crucial point to consider concerns all those companies which, even if not multi-brand, can be divided into business units, functioning in a similar way to this particular type of company. Despite this, we always recommend having different product lines, creating sub-brands with which you can better advertise your products and services, reaching increasingly more customers.

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Alan Trovò

About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct