The NPS is a tool used by marketers to measure the degree of satisfaction and the possibility of a customer returning to a specific company or purchasing a product or service. The NPS shows quickly and easily whether a person will recommend the service offered by a particular company to their friends or family. This type of strategy is now widely used since, according to studies carried out, the level of satisfaction is closely linked to sales growth.
The interesting fact is that NPS can be applied to WhatsApp and we know that this means of communication is extremely important nowadays. This is because most of the customers who ask for services or products prefer to do so through the aforementioned platform. So applying an NPS is very beneficial for companies. To achieve this goal there are an infinite number of services and tools that can be very useful: among these tools Callbell, Typeform or Survicate stand out . Each of them complements each other and allows you to create an NPS directly on WhatsApp and other social networks in an excellent way.
In this article we will talk about the usefulness, the function, the advantages of implementing an NPS within your company, what an NPS is and how it can be implemented via WhatsApp.
As mentioned previously, the NPS is a tool that is used by companies to measure the level of satisfaction and if a customer will decide to share information about the company with their friends and relatives. This tool is applied as a kind of survey through a single question (How likely are you to recommend our company / service or product to your friends or family?).
Scores are generally focused on three ranges: 9 to 10 are considered promoters, 7-8 neutral and 0-6 detractors. Each of these definitions has its own meanings. Promoters are people who want to share information and are generally satisfied with the service or product they receive. Neutrals are individuals who are satisfied with the service, but who would trade for something better. Finally, the detractors are people who are unhappy with the service and who generally speak badly of it with other people.
The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. Neutral customers are not considered in this equation. However, they count towards the total number of respondents. The tools that can work in applying an NPS on WhatsApp are Typeform and Survicate

The NPS is calculated by subtracting the% of DETRACTORS customers from that of PROMOTERS customers. Below is a clear example of how an NPS of a product or service would actually be calculated.
Let’s imagine applying an NPS on WhatsApp for a company that sells ice cream and wants to understand the percentage of its customers who would happily share the wonderful qualities of their product with family and friends.
After conducting the poll we find that there were 10 people voting, about six of these people had a score of 9-10, then 2 voted 7-8 and finally, the rest, voted 0-6. According to what was previously said, about 6 people can be defined as promoters, 2 neutral and 2 detractors.
To calculate the NPS we must therefore subtract the number of detractors from that of total promoters. So we have the following:
Total number of votes: 10 = 100% of the total votes
Number of detractors: 2 = 20% of the total votes
Number of neutrals: 2 = excluded from the calculation
Number of promoters : 6 = 60% of the total votes
NPS for the ice cream company = 60% – 20% = 40%
Scores for the NPS range from -100 to 100. As a general rule, any score equal to or greater than 50 is still considered excellent. Ideally though, if you really want your NPS to be good, you need to do a comparison study with another company and measure which NPS is superior.
The NPS that appears to be the highest is the one that will be considered the best score.
Imagine that we want to evaluate the level of satisfaction of those customers who have purchased our Callbell multi-agent chat service and that the total number of customers is 100. We then conducted a survey of these 100 customers and obtained the following results:
a) 65 of the 100 customers rate our services with a score between 9 and 10, we will call this group Promoters.
b) 27 of the 100 customers rate our services with a score between 7 and 8, this group will instead be called Neutral.
c) Finally, 8 of the 100 customers rate our services with a score between 0 and 6, we are talking about Detractors.
In order to calculate the NPS we first need to convert the number of customers in each group into percentages:
a) Promoters (%) = No. of Promoters / Total No. of customers = 65/100 = 65%
b) Neutral (%) = No. Neutral / Total No. of customers = 27/100 = 27%
c) Detractors (%) = No. of Detractors / Total No. of customers = 8/100 = 8%
Now we have all the data to calculate the NPS using the usual formula:
NPS : Promoters (%) – Detractors (%) = 65% – 8% = 57%
The result is 57, this means that we have a 57% chance that customers who have purchased Callbell’s multi-agent chat service will recommend it to someone else.
To implement NPS via WhatsApp you need to have two main tools. We will use one of these to centralize all conversation control, acquire leads and make sales. The other will be used to apply the NPS with the help of the first tool. This is how they both complement each other and work effectively and quickly.
The first tool we will use is Callbell. This platform will allow us to connect WhatsApp and thus serve all customers, even from multiple computers and with the number of agents we actually need. Furthermore, it allows us to connect other communication channels such as Telegram, Facebook and Instagram. Likewise, it provides us with specialized metrics to scale our business, along with many other features designed for sales, support, or the call center.
Once we have configured our Callbell account and connected WhatsApp to the platform, we will be able to use Typeform or Survicate; these tools will allow us to create NPS surveys to which our customers will be able to respond, hence allowing us calculate their level of satisfaction with our company. Remember that these two tools are specialized in surveys, so the results we will get will be 100% verified.
In order for the NPS to work, we must always use Callbell plus one of these two external detection tools that we have already shared with you. Feel free to use whatever you like best.
If you would like more information on Callbell, click here.
Frequent Questions
How to implement NPS through WhatsApp?
To implement NPS via WhatsApp, you need to have two main tools. We will use one of these to centralize all conversation control, acquire leads and make sales. The other will be used to apply the NPS with the help of the first tool. This is how they both complement each other and work effectively and quickly.
The first tool we will use is Callbell. This platform will allow us to connect WhatsApp and thus serve all customers, even from multiple computers and with the number of agents we actually need. Furthermore, it allows us to connect other communication channels such as Telegram, Facebook and Instagram. Likewise, it provides us with specialized metrics to scale our business, along with many other features designed for sales, support, or the call center.
Once we have configured our Callbell account and connected WhatsApp to the platform, we will be able to use Typeform or Survicate; these tools will allow us to create NPS surveys to which our customers will be able to respond and therefore calculate their level of satisfaction with our company. Remember that these two tools are specialized in surveys, so the results we will get will be 100% verified.
What is NPS?
As mentioned previously, the NPS is a tool that is used by companies to measure the level of satisfaction and if they are a customer they will decide to share information about your company with their friends and relatives. This tool is applied as a kind of survey through a single question (How likely are you to recommend our company / service or product to your friends or family?)
Scores are generally focused on three ranges: 9 to 10 are considered promoters, 7-8 neutral and 0-6 detractors. Each of these definitions has its own meanings. Promoters are people who want to share information and are generally satisfied with the service or product they receive. Neutrals are individuals who are satisfied with the service, but who would trade for something better. Finally, the detractors are people who are unhappy with the service and who generally speak badly of it with other people.
The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. Neutral customers are not considered in this transaction. However, they count towards the total number of respondents. The tools that can work to apply an NPS on WhatsApp are Typeform and Survicate.
About the author: Hello! I am Alan and I am the marketing manager at Callbell, the first communication platform designed to help sales and support teams to collaborate and communicate with customers through direct messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram and Instagram Direct